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Here's What You Should Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Jun 16, 2022

Did you know that each year 684,000  fatal falls occur worldwide? That makes this issue the second leading instigator of unintentional injury deaths! Moreover, falls are responsible for over eight million annual hospital emergency room visits. So, slip and fall cases are more common and dangerous than most people think. Follow the instructions outlined below if you or someone you know has suffered injuries from a slip and fall caused by wet or uneven surfaces, improper safety practices, stray cords, or any other mishap.

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall

Below are the steps you should take immediately after slipping, falling, and sustaining injuries on someone else's property.  

Step 1: See a Doctor

A slip and fall can lead to several injuries, including soft tissue injuries, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, and cuts and abrasions. A certified health practitioner can identify the exact injuries you've sustained from a fall and treat them accordingly. So, seeking medical treatment immediately after a slip and fall is paramount. Don't skip this step because your injuries may be more severe than they seem and lead to aggravated issues in the future if left to fester. Besides, visiting a practitioner immediately after an incident can help your case by establishing a direct link between your injuries and the slip and fall.

Step 2: Inform Relevant Authorities

After seeking medical attention, report the accident to the relevant authorities. If, for instance, it happened in a retail store, talk to a manager. Or, if you slipped and fell at a friend's apartment, ensure the landlord is aware of the incident. While reporting a slip and fall, don't exaggerate anything. But don't leave out any vital details either. And, if possible, make an official statement in writing. That will play a significant role in convincing court officials you took the accident seriously. Writing down the entire narrative is more reasonable than relying on your memory alone. Remember, you are likely to forget some details, and your mind may warp certain events over time, which can undermine your claim's success when you decide to seek justice.

Step 3: Document Everything

If you slip and fall in a public area like a retail store's floor, try collecting all potential witnesses' names, phone numbers, and physical or email addresses. Although not all slip and fall cases require eyewitness accounts, their statements may come in handy when officials demand proof. Most importantly, take as many photos as possible and make sure your camera covers the entire location of the incident. You can also focus on hazardous spots responsible for the accident, such as a slippery floor or damaged stairs. The good thing is that you don't need a high-end camera or outstanding photography skills to take pictures of the scene. Your smartphone's camera can do the job, provided it takes clear photos.

Step 4: Consult With an Attorney

If you are a slip and fall victim contemplating filing a lawsuit, don't do it without a reputable attorney. An experienced lawyer can examine the evidence you have and advice you accordingly. That is important because property owners are not always responsible for these incidents. Sometimes people trip and fall due to their own negligence, making their claims invalid. In addition, slip and fall attorneys have the skills and expertise required to negotiate with property owners or insurance companies and their representatives. Without them, the other parties may shortchange or dupe you into accepting the lowest compensation possible.

Hire Formidable Attorneys Today

Slip and falls often lead to injuries, severe discomfort, significant medical expenses, and lost wages. All these can derail your day-to-day life. Not to mention, in extreme cases, a slip and fall incident may lead to death. If you or someone you know has suffered injuries from a slip and fall, hire superior lawyers from the Schonberg Law Offices. We have outstanding attorneys ready to listen, offer advice, and help you get fair and just compensation. Reach out to our team and  Get a Free Case Evaluation today!

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